
旅行英会話: Essential Phrases for Travelers in Japan

Are you planning a trip to Japan and worried about communicating with the locals? Fear not! Traveling in Japan can be a breeze with some essential English phrases up your sleeve. In this article, we’ll cover the most useful expressions to get you started with 旅行英会話 (ryokō eikaiwa), or travel English conversation in Japanese.

Basic Phrases

Mastering basic phrases is crucial to navigating everyday situations in Japan. Here are some must-know expressions:

予算内でほしいものを見つけるために、妥協せずにバシバシ意見を言ってください。 パック旅行ならツアーコンダクターの指示どおりに移動すれば問題ありませんが、自由時間や個人の旅行なら自分で乗り物を手配して移動する必要があります。 バスや電車を乗り過ごさないか心配なときに。 地名を連呼して周囲に降りたい場所をアピールするのも手ですが、運転手や周囲の人にこうして一言かけておくとスマート。 今回は、実際に、このトーキングマラソンを使ってみたのでトーキングマラソンについてお話しします!

  • こんにちは (konnichiwa) – Hello
  • ありがとう (arigatou) – Thank you
  • お元気ですか?(ogenki desu ka?) – How are you?
  • 海、食事、観光、買い物、宿泊など、5つのテーマに分けて英語表現を紹介しているので、これ一冊あればハワイでの生活に困ることはありません。 また巻末には空港でのチェックインや病気、トラブル時に便利な英語表現集も収録しています。 株式会社トランス・ダイナミック代表取締役。

  • 元気です (genki desu) – I’m fine, thank you
  • _sumimasen_ (sumimasen) – Excuse me / Sorry
  • 大手ホテルの従業員は外国人の対応に慣れているので、まずは問題はないでしょう。 でも、最低限のコミュニケーションをとれなければ、旅行中に不自由することになります。 旅に最低限必要な「必須フレーズ」と、より旅を快適にするための「プラスアルファのフレーズ」に分けて紹介します。

Frequently Asked Questions

トーキングマラソン完全ガイド:短期間でスピーキング力を劇的に向上させる方法をお話ししたいと …

Here are some common questions and answers to help you navigate travel-related situations:

【英語瞬間スピーキング】も今回で10回目となりました。 英検1級、TOEIC980点までの道のり:机に向かって勉強するのが大嫌いだった私。 今日は、「やり直し英語の模範生」のSophie(日本人!)に登場してもらってお話しを聞きたいと思います … オンライン講座のお知らせ やり直し英語を決心された皆さん、こんにちは! 「大人のフォニック講座」のご案内です。

Q: Where is…?


英語の独り言|テーマは絶対にポジティブなものに! 英語力UPのためには毎日英語を使う事! 毎日使うには、英語で独り言を言うといいよ。 【英語スピーキング】No.16( get )瞬間英作文! 今日の英語の瞬間スピーキングの練習は、 「get」 getには4つの使い方があります。


  • トイレはどこですか?(toire wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the restroom?
  • 駅はどこですか?(eki wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the train station?


Q: How much is this?

  • この値段はいくらですか?(kono nedan wa ikura desu ka?) – How much does this cost?

Q: Do you speak English?


  • 英語はできますか?(eigo wa dekiru ka?) – Do you speak English?

Useful Sentences

Here are some useful sentences to help you get around Japan:

  • 私は ~ を探しています (watashi wa ~ o sagashite imasu) – I am looking for ~.
  • 私は ~ を食べたいです (watashi wa ~ o tabetai desu) – I want to eat ~.
  • タクシーを呼んでください (takushī o yonde kudasai) – Can you call a taxi for me?


Mastering these essential phrases will go a long way in making your journey in Japan a memorable one. Don’t be afraid to try them out and practice your 旅行英会話 skills. Happy travels!







• Hello / Hi / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening

• Thank you / Thank you very much

• Excuse me / Sorry

• Yes / No / Maybe

• How much is this? / Can I pay by credit card?




• Hello, I have a reservation. / Check-in, please.

• Can I have a map of the city?

• Where is the nearest subway station?

• Can I exchange some money?




• What’s this? / How much is this?


• I’ll take this, please.

• Do you have any recommendations?

• Can I try this?



最後に、 英会話を支えるためのTipsをあげます。

•_slowly and clearly_話す

•_body language_]も大切

•_listen carefully_]と、話を聞く



Comfortable Communication while Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also be nerve-wracking when you’re not confident in your language skills. Imagine being in a foreign country, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and language, and struggling to communicate even the simplest of needs. This is a common anxiety many travelers face, especially those traveling to non-English speaking countries. However, with the right mindset and language skills, you can break down language barriers and enjoy a stress-free journey.

Building Confidence in English Communication

One of the most effective ways to overcome language anxiety is to build confidence in your English communication skills. This doesn’t mean you need to be fluent, but having a good grasp of basic phrases and sentences can go a long way. Start by learning common travel phrases such as “Where is…?”, “How much is this?”, and “I’d like…”. These simple phrases can help you navigate everyday situations like asking for directions, shopping, and ordering food.

Practice your pronunciation and intonation by listening to native speakers and speaking with language exchange partners. You can also watch English language videos, TV shows, and movies with Japanese subtitles to improve your listening and comprehension skills. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in your ability to communicate effectively.

Useful Travel English Phrases

Here are some essential travel English phrases to get you started:

  • “Excuse me, where is the restroom?” – トイレはどこですか?
  • “Can you speak slowly, please?” – 遅く話しかけてください
  • “I’d like a map, please.” – 地図をください
  • “How much does this cost?” – これはいくらですか?
  • “Do you accept credit cards?” – クレジットカードは使えますか?

Having a list of useful phrases like these can help you feel more prepared and confident when communicating with locals.

Overcoming Communication Barriers

Sometimes, even with preparation, communication can still break down. Don’t panic! This is where gesturing, body language, and visual aids come in handy. If you’re having trouble understanding each other, try using hand gestures or drawing a simple diagram to convey your message. You can also ask the person to write down their name, address, or other important information.

Remember, the key to effective communication is not to be perfect, but to be willing to learn and adapt. By being open-minded and flexible, you can overcome language barriers and have a more enjoyable travel experience.

So, the next time you travel abroad, take a deep breath, be confident in your language skills, and enjoy the journey. Happy travels! 🗺️